Wellbeing Apps UK Market Report

This 30 page market report is for founders and business leaders creating a mental health or well-being app. It provides industry data and best practices that will help you navigate the pitfalls and plan for success.
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Wellbeing Apps UK Market Report

What you'll find inside

  • 30 page report
  • Why mental health and wellbeing apps are growing
  • What problems apps solve
  • Examples of features offered by apps
  • Where is the demand for apps?
  • What are the best apps
  • UK investment in wellbeing and mental health apps
  • Common problems with these kind of apps
  • How to take an app to market
  • Advice for creating a successful mental health app
  • Growing an app to £1m revenue
  • Typical app development costs

Get the data and best practices to help you plan a successful wellbeing or mental health app.


  • The increasing use of mental health and wellbeing apps
  • Problems that apps help people address
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Stress
    • Panic Attacks
  • Features of apps addressing these problems
  • What do people search for on app stores? Where is the demand?
  • Downloads for best-in-category
    • Meditation
    • Sleep
    • CBT/Mood Tracking
    • Councelling
    • Anxiety Education
  • Downloads and Revenue
    • Meditation Apps
    • Sleep Apps
    • Mood Tracking
  • UK investment in wellbeing and mental health apps
  • Common problems with these kind of apps
  • Challenges in taking an app to market
  • Advice for creating a successful mental health app
  • Growing an app to £1m revenue
  • Typical app development costs

If you’re a founder or business leader considering creating a mental health or well-being app, you face enormous opportunities and many big challenges.

The market for digital health apps is growing at over 15% per year, and the UK market is set to be worth almost £24bn by 2025. So yes, there are opportunities indeed. As you’ll learn in this report, some mental health apps generate millions yearly.

So, what about the challenges? Firstly, it’s very likely you’ll have a lot of competition. There are over 220,000 health apps available in the UK. In 2020, there were over 250 launched around the world each day**. But there are other issues you’ll need to overcome relating to quality, evidence, and user experience.

Developing apps is also not a cheap sport, nor an easy one. Over 99% of start-ups fail, and a CBInsights report noted that the top two reasons are poor market fit and blown budgets. So, you’ll need to make sure you’re building something people want and also that you plan your app well.

This report blends data and best practices to help you avoid those problems and plan a more successful wellbeing or mental health app.

It starts with empathy - learning about the people you serve and the problems you want to solve.

Then, we look at the market and competitors so you can see how many downloads your app might be able to get. We also help you understand the costs of reaching those people.

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